Depth Enquiry™ – for resolving Anxiety and Trauma symptoms

Do you ever find yourself feeling paralysed by fear? Does the thought of boarding a plane (even if the destination is for a holiday) fill you with terror?  Have you experienced an incident while driving a car, which now means that you are afraid to take the wheel?  Are you afraid of spiders, of putting your head under water or of being at home alone at night? Do you have a life-limiting illness, and feel plagued by anxiety about what might happen in the future?
One of the tools that I often use to resolve these sorts of issues with clients in my practice is called Depth Enquiry™.  This is a powerful therapeutic approach to resolving trauma and underlying shame.  It is a concept developed by Sydney Gestalt Psychotherapist Amanda Gruhn, and is particularly effective for those suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety, phobias  and a wide range of trauma-related symptoms. 

in the Depth Enquiry Process, we unblock resistant traumas and negative beliefs in a gentle and supportive way, using binaural beats. Depth Enquiry builds on EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) principles and is further informed by the theories and approaches of Bessel van der Kolk, Pat Ogden and Peter Levine. You can read more about Amanda’s work in this area at About Depth Enquiry.

I offer Depth Enquiry to clients as a short program of 4 to 8 one hour sessions, which can be undertaken in parallel with other therapeutic work, either with myself, or with another therapist, if necessary..

If you would like to experience this process for yourself, then feel free to contact me to discuss your situation.